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Languages & compilers
C and C++
Solution of SIZECON
Struct sort on QUEST5
Problem with getline
Data types in C
Getch() not declared
WA in hellokit problem
Faster IO in C
SIGSEGV with STL string
Prime or Not SIGFPE
Problem with a piece of code in C
Submission problem
What does this mean?
lldiv_t undeclared (from stdlib.h)
Airthematic vs Logical
FAST IO in C++, C
Really Long Numbers
Problem with pairs
SIGSEGV error in C program
Sorting a structure
Small factorials
C++ code for MUL prob
Why time limit difference between IDEone.com and SPOJ?
Run time error in prime1
Tle in ABCDEF ! (p. no. 4580)
NHAY TLE....pls help
Spoj expedi wa:(
Palin Time Limit Exceed
candy3 has a wrong in description
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