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About the ProblemSet Archive category
Problems with unnecessary restrictions on languages
For challenge problem setters!
Getting TLE in AKBAR - Akbar , The great. Why?
Getting WA on the problem PIE continuously, what am I missing?
What are allowed characters in task t9
What am i Missing
What is wrong in my code…. i’m continuously getting runtime error(SIGSEGV)COT - Count on a tree
Why my topo code not working!
WTPZ2001G/Diamonds - NZEC
Regarding Wrong Answer in FPOLICE question(SOLVED)
God of Number Theory
Gao on a tree (GOT) - TLE
ISLAND_ATTACK - Island Under Attack!-WA
CPTTRN3 - Dumb C++ solution which should work?
WA on task
How to get LCA accepted in Java?
Getting WA on AKBAR - Akbar , The great. Please help me
Bitmap wa
How to approach problem VZLA2019K (Koala Fan)? https://www.spoj.com/problems/VZLA2019K/
Pls help me understand the question
WA in Eko
THREECOL- Three-Colring of binary trees
MEM : OK , What does it mean?
Fault in Test Data for PC8C Cave Crisis
TLE with Java code
SPOJ.com - Problem MAS
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