Many submissions to rejudge:From index 4225128 to index...
submissions until 4225871 and on are "0.00 0k". Not fixed.
^from submission ID 4225128 to 4226771.
More: ID (4288138;4288395).
Another: that Java isn't always so fast.
Yet another 0k program:
Last submission was fixed.
And again, and again, and again, and again... another two (2nd).
0k solution ->
Two more:
Can you please fix the first place on problem LCMSUM?
It has 0 time and 0 memory which is clearly a bug. new submission to this problem has time=0 and mem=0. can someone fix this ?
I don't recall having those issues before so often and now I got two in a day!,zukow/,zukow/
And some,zukow/
Looking at the status shows that it's a real plague.
I'm wondering why did I thought is was important.Now I can rejudge these solutions myself, but is it worth anything? Or should I move this topic to the archive?