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ProblemSet Archive
WA on Shareen and the Lost Array
SPOJ EAGLE1 java TLE help
Wrong answer in MAS http://www.spoj.com/problems/MAS/
Need help on A001856 - Chiaki Sequence
Please explain how to approach such problms - KOICOST - Cost
MEANARR Problem - WA [Solved]
Segfault task
TABROT - Rotations Segmentation fault
Help with NAISO problem
King Graffs Defense (Kindly Help me out) WA
Idea for MVECTOR problem
I am Getting WA for AKBAR ,The Great. Can Anyone Help me :(
Help. (how many operations to make (bin_num) mod (number of set bits init) to do on num to make it 0
HELP IN KQUERY TLE with merge sort segment tree + upperbound
Attempt at Python solution to CENCRY -- "wrong answer" result please help me
Prime1- prime generator
HELP WA in Digit Sum (Digit DP) (SOLVED)
Subset Sums
EKO binary search : wrong answer when submit it
TIP2 - Totient in permutation (medium) solution
Wrong answer in The Double Helix
I am Getting WA for AKBAR ,The Great. Can Anyone Help please
Anyone who knows about better solution of BOX - boxes (Hard)?
Prata- TLE
BRKSTRNG - Breaking String problem
PRIME1 - Prime Generator
Could anyone help me make my solution for MKTHNUM faster?
Don't recognize what base condition should I use in Binary Search for this PIE problem
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