my suggestion is when somebody gets Accepted on a problem the first time, the time that he scored is the time he will have for ever, even if he optimize his code (he will be able to see it but it will not show on the score board) why would i like spoj staff to do so? because it would be awesome that when we get an AC solution we would be able to see the solution of other people, you know those AC solutions with 0.00 time which are really badbutt, and if you are like me (a beginner) i am sure you would love to see those codes, especially the ones that are suppose to be with big numbers or DP and can be done with python or a very good ad-hoc.

That is my suggestion, i think many people would like it because it gives you good tricks for competitions and a good learning, and it would not be cheat just because you already solved the problem smiley!!!!!