Can you please allow users to view other people's solutions once they have solved a problem? I have always been curious about what other users have implemented to receive a 0.00s run time for their solutions while I sometimes struggle with the 1.0s time limit.
I know that this can create issues with the ranklist for each problem but I have a proposal to fix that. You can view other users' solutions only if you choose to opt out of the rank list for that problem i.e., any further submissions made on a problem after seeing someone else's solution will not reflect on the ranklist for that particular problem.
Of course, other users may be able to create multiple accounts and submit top solutions from multiple accounts, but I am sure you have methods to detect duplicate accounts 
Have been using SPOJ for 2.5 years now, and I feel that this is the only reason that prevents me from using SPOJ more often. If am stuck at some problem, I am usually stuck for good and my hours spent attempting a problem yield no fruit since I couldn't learn anything new.