I would like to request you to kindly introduce a section in your website which help the SPOJ website users to learn various programming skills with regard to space as well as time efficency.
You may help us in the following way.
1)Explain the applications and usage of data structures in various programming situations. For example, converting infix to postfix, prefix expressions etc. Explain that how the programmer identifies that stack is to be used here. Furthermore, explain how to solve the same using trees.
2)Explain different methods of approaching to a problem. For example you may help them identify recursive situations(explain them the base criteria and recurrence relation wrt the problem) and how to implement them.
3)Explain properties of special kinds of numbers like palindromes, prime numbers etc. Explain about properties of palindrome numbers, Eratosthenes' sieve, etc. Certain problems in your practice section demand the usage of Eratosthene's sieve algo.
4)Explain various problem solving techniques used by the toppers in approching to various problems in your monthly competitions including your own views if their approach was different. Please review their code and discuss the strategies used by them.Discuss time and space efficency tips with regard to these problems, and explain how their tradeoff must be managed.
5)You may also suggest some good textbooks worth reading from your viewpoint.
The aim behind the creation of your website would succeed if you are able to evolve thinking minds. Help the learners to develop their skill level by including the above mentioned features. Achieving high ranks is not that important as is acquiring proffessional skills. Help us create a groundwork for a sound and good profession.
For, knowledge is that wealth which increments on imparting. Its my earnest request. Please give consideration to my views.Please help us to evolve thinking skills. God will definately help you if you help us.Let the perennial river of gratitude flow towards you.