I guess most of us know about the original SPOJ Problem selector: github.com/jujojujo2003/SPOJ-Problem-Selector
I've forked the project to github.com/vaibhav-y/SPOJ-Problem-Selector
I'm slowly making some changes to the codebase. I think if SPOJ had an API (JSON/XML/Something else? ) to share some basic user stats in an organized manner, more projects like these would spring up given that we are, in fact a community of developers.
The crux of this hurried post being I would love to request a good API for SPOJ, so that third party applications can be developed without crawling the site for data. (Which I consider to be a bad hack
Again I apologize for a hurried post, this idea just struck me at a very boring meeting. I hope to get back to this post and include more details about this project.