Here's a suggestion:
Problem code: BUSYBVR
<- insert a short description of Turing machines ripped from Wikipedia or something ->
Despite their apparent simplicity, Turing machines are the yardstick by which computability is judged: if something is computable by a Turing machine, it's considered computable; otherwise, it's not computable at all.
In this problem, we want you to find out the maximum number of ones that any Turing machine with k states will leave on an initially blank tape (all zeroes) before halting.
The first line of the input file is the number of test cases T (about 100).
It's then followed by T lines consisting of a single number k, 1 <= k <= 100.
For each integer k, your program should output the maximum number of ones that any Turing machine with k states will leave on a blank tape.
Sample Input
Sample Output