Dear community,
Im trying to get the time spent on input/output in my solutions to a reasonable minimum, and [url][/url] is a great help with this. So far using _unlocked versions library functions I was able to get some speedup, but now I
m stuck and would like ot ask for some help.
Basically, this version is AC in INOUTEST:
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
char InputBuffer[64];
char OutputBuffer[64];
char * pNumCases = fgets_unlocked(InputBuffer, 64, stdin);
int numCases = atoi_spoj(pNumCases);
char * pNextCase;
char * pNextRes;
int firstNumber;
int secondNumber;
int res;
while (numCases--)
pNextCase = fgets_unlocked(InputBuffer, 64, stdin);
firstNumber = atoi_spoj(pNextCase);
secondNumber = atoi_spoj(pNextCase);
res = firstNumber * secondNumber;
pNextRes = OutputBuffer;
i32toa_spoj(res, pNextRes);
fputs_unlocked(OutputBuffer, stdout);
if (numCases)
return 0;
and this version fails with WA:
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
char smallInputBuffer[128];
char * pNumCases = fgets_unlocked(smallInputBuffer, 64, stdin);
int numCases = atoi_spoj(pNumCases);
const size_t input_size = numCases * 160 + 100;
const size_t output_size = numCases * 150 + 100;
char * InputBuffer = new char[input_size];
char * OutputBuffer = new char[output_size];
fread_unlocked(InputBuffer, 1, input_size, stdin);
char * pNextCase;
char * pNextRes;
int firstNumber;
int secondNumber;
int res;
pNextCase = InputBuffer;
pNextRes = OutputBuffer;
while (numCases--)
firstNumber = atoi_spoj(pNextCase);
secondNumber = atoi_spoj(pNextCase);
res = firstNumber * secondNumber;
i32toa_spoj(res, pNextRes);
*pNextRes++ = '\n';
fwrite_unlocked(OutputBuffer, 1, pNextRes - OutputBuffer, stdout);
delete[] InputBuffer;
delete[] OutputBuffer;
return 0;
The magic numbers in the code should be fine for INOUTEST. I have prepared some simple test code that generates input and both version seem to produce the binary identical output on my system ( linux ).
Any ideas on why the second version is WA are welcome.