I have re-tried few of my old submissions and found that the execution time has increased at least 60% more than the old execution time
You can check INTEST, INOUTTEST.
INTEST solution id (#28915861) that ran on 2021-12-21 18:52:21 took 0.23 secs
whereas the earlier run (#23528545) that ran on 2019-03-30 14:19:45 took just 0.12 secs
Is there any change in judge time calculation for C Sharp language? Or is it due to mono framework version change or judge runtime configuration like memory, warmup time etc.?
This issue is not affecting the problem solving or submission but just want to bring up this for notice (if some things should be tweaked in judge system?).
I was trying to optimize my solution to climb-up the C# specific best time list, but couldn’t get anywhere near old submissions 
If nothing could be done,
- can the solutions be rejudged for solutions older than a year (I’m sure this sounds absurd)?
Just want to check for any viable solution
- Or else, can we have a re-judge button in the ranking page
Between, I like this judge system a lot as it gives amazing challenges to train.
Don’t consider this request as a bug report or so. It is just a low priority request to consider