Please I want to Report this user is the same've asked him to disqualify one of his two accounts i've disqualified one of his two submittions , but he submitted the solutions more and more with both accounts .What Should I do ?
Look at this amazing part of "Terms of Services" in Coursera website .... I think they should add one in spoj ...
I agree. Both user is also submitted same code to my problem CRCLE_E. Here is the screenshot:
It's hard to clean all cheater. Because currently there are more than 200K users on SPOJ. I just consider the big cheater with high points (on main SPOJ site), rapidly solve many problem just in few minutes. If I found cheater with match that criteria, I'll definitely report here to be banned by admin.
Hey Admin can you check this user.he have solved more than 100 problems in an hour
.....227 in a day
This person is also suspicious:
He has made his username some whitespace characters, so it is unclickable from status page.
This is a suspicious rate of
[admin note: thank you - blocked]
Respected Sir,
Please look into this account : [](
The user has submitted too many solutions in a very short time frame as on 08.11.2013 & it seems suspicious.
Your Sincerely,Ouditchya Sinha.
Hi Admin I am sure this user is not genuine he have submitted more than 150 problems in an hour.
Has solved over 500 in a month. In December 31th, 144 AC.
Another cheater : Decoder
another one please block this.
This one is very curious.
Curious because his solution for two of my problems are quite genuine, but submit a flow of easy probs sometimes each 20s !!!So very curious.
I find very annoying cheaters that destroy PIBO problem (and many others), see here and here ; I guess all codes with 1.86±0.01s 3.0M C++ are clones...Last user Legrand have yet often do the same. Note that he's not always a cheater.
had been yet banished... still present, curious.On my problem REBOUND, he viciously unindent a code found on the web. This user could be banished again.
Kaushik Barman (id recently changed to "power boy") had been yet banished last year. He's back with a new probable technic : copy/paste a code ; change some few chars ; oh, incredible, I have RE or SIGSEV or WA ; try again one two times, and then AC ; wait some minutes do the same with another problem. We are not fool.
Please report strange actions, and suggests propositions to ovoid such things.
I think user thales is cheating ( His behaviour is very suspicious.
Edit(Francky) : Exact ;, I hope all those kind of account disappear one day.
A new one : : Dariusz Lasecki
He 'does' that Sunday evening, haha.Last week :
And the previous Sunday :
But what can we do about these users? Just reporting them is not fixing the problem. I think they should be immediately removed.
Another one (edit : maybe/maybe not...??????): : S. R. Putra
(Only a part of the fact)Edit : But according to two submissions on two of my problems, solutions seems genuine.This is a very curious thing in any case ...A (reasonable) possibility for that user is : he deleted his account, create a new one and submit it's own AC solution again. But I'm not sure...
===@storyless : when admin take a look at this thread, they make some clean up.I hope there will be one day an automatic tool to prevent such pollution.
Another one : Pritha D N : ban him.
******************************************************************************** * Signed document issued by Sphere Online Judge ( ******************************************************************************** ----- BEGIN OF DATA ----- Submissions by [prithan] in contest [SPOJ]. DoI: 2014-04-10 10:22:41. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | ID | DATE | PROBLEM | RESULT | TIME | MEM | LNG | |---------|---------------------|-----------|-----------|-------|--------|-----| | 11418993 | 2014-04-10 10:22:40 | SPOINTS | ?? | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11418988 | 2014-04-10 10:22:13 | SOLDIER | ?? | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11418986 | 2014-04-10 10:21:46 | SNOOKER | AC | 0.01 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418984 | 2014-04-10 10:21:20 | SKYLINE | AC | 0.07 | 3276 | C++ | | 11418979 | 2014-04-10 10:20:53 | SAMER08E | AC | 0.03 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418976 | 2014-04-10 10:20:12 | RPLN | AC | 10.02 | 11904 | C++ | | 11418972 | 2014-04-10 10:19:44 | RPLL | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418953 | 2014-04-10 10:15:46 | RPLK | AC | 5.02 | 3468 | C++ | | 11418952 | 2014-04-10 10:15:20 | REBOUND | AC | 0.48 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418951 | 2014-04-10 10:14:59 | PRO | AC | 0.90 | 7440 | C++ | | 11418950 | 2014-04-10 10:14:25 | PRIME1 | AC | 0.05 | 2700 | C++ | | 11418946 | 2014-04-10 10:13:52 | PLYGRND | AC | 0.02 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418943 | 2014-04-10 10:13:28 | PERMUT2 | AC | 0.62 | 3000 | C++ | | 11418941 | 2014-04-10 10:13:09 | PERMUT1 | AC | 0.00 | 2696 | C++ | | 11418940 | 2014-04-10 10:12:51 | PERMUT2 | CE | 0.00 | 0 | ADA | | 11418937 | 2014-04-10 10:12:22 | PERMUT1 | CE | 0.00 | 0 | ADA | | 11418821 | 2014-04-10 09:31:13 | PEBBMOV | AC | 0.09 | 3220 | C++ | | 11418818 | 2014-04-10 09:30:49 | PATHEADS | AC | 5.48 | 10888 | C++ | | 11418814 | 2014-04-10 09:30:21 | PANCAKES | AC | 0.02 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418810 | 2014-04-10 09:29:57 | PALACE | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418808 | 2014-04-10 09:29:37 | ORDERS | AC | 0.85 | 135936 | C++ | | 11418806 | 2014-04-10 09:29:10 | NICEDAY | AC | 1.19 | 4936 | C++ | | 11418803 | 2014-04-10 09:28:49 | NG1FRCTN | AC | 0.19 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418800 | 2014-04-10 09:28:22 | MZVRK | AC | 0.04 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418797 | 2014-04-10 09:27:59 | MSTRMND | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418796 | 2014-04-10 09:27:33 | MMMGAME | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418791 | 2014-04-10 09:26:40 | MMASS | AC | 0.02 | 2824 | C++ | | 11418788 | 2014-04-10 09:26:17 | MINMOVE | AC | 0.07 | 2712 | C++ | | 11418787 | 2014-04-10 09:25:54 | MBINGO | AC | 0.37 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418778 | 2014-04-10 09:24:25 | MARBLES | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418774 | 2014-04-10 09:23:57 | LWAR | AC | 0.07 | 2716 | C++ | | 11418772 | 2014-04-10 09:23:31 | LLCA | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418766 | 2014-04-10 09:22:56 | JULKA | RE | 0.02 | 14416 | C++ | | 11418763 | 2014-04-10 09:22:31 | INUMBER | AC | 6.20 | 14416 | C++ | | 11418758 | 2014-04-10 09:21:45 | INCSEQ | AC | 0.89 | 5188 | C++ | | 11418756 | 2014-04-10 09:21:12 | INCDSEQ | AC | 1.86 | 7236 | C++ | | 11418752 | 2014-04-10 09:20:08 | IKEYB | AC | 1.56 | 2764 | C++ | | 11418748 | 2014-04-10 09:19:30 | ICODER | WA | 0.00 | 2684 | C++ | | 11418744 | 2014-04-10 09:19:03 | HANGOVER | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418740 | 2014-04-10 09:18:36 | GROCERY | AC | 0.49 | 2684 | C++ | | 11418736 | 2014-04-10 09:17:54 | GNY07E | AC | 0.03 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418731 | 2014-04-10 09:17:22 | FENCE1 | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418729 | 2014-04-10 09:16:56 | FCTRL | AC | 0.20 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418726 | 2014-04-10 09:16:25 | FASHION | AC | 0.10 | 0 | C++ | | 11418722 | 2014-04-10 09:15:52 | FAMWEALT | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11418716 | 2014-04-10 09:15:12 | ENCONDIN | AC | 0.01 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418713 | 2014-04-10 09:14:09 | DYZIO | AC | 0.00 | 2704 | C++ | | 11418711 | 2014-04-10 09:13:42 | DCEPC504 | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11418706 | 2014-04-10 09:12:54 | CYLINDER | AC | 0.04 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418700 | 2014-04-10 09:12:06 | CPC | AC | 0.04 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418699 | 2014-04-10 09:11:41 | COLONY | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11418697 | 2014-04-10 09:11:18 | COLONY | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C | | 11418689 | 2014-04-10 09:09:59 | COINS | AC | 0.01 | 2824 | C++ | | 11418681 | 2014-04-10 09:09:08 | CFPARTY | AC | 0.20 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418673 | 2014-04-10 09:08:06 | CF36D | AC | 0.07 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418668 | 2014-04-10 09:07:04 | CANDY3 | AC | 0.04 | 2688 | C++ | | 11418659 | 2014-04-10 09:05:28 | CANDY | AC | 0.01 | 2688 | C++ | | 11258641 | 2014-03-16 08:19:13 | BISHOPS | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C | | 11258640 | 2014-03-16 08:18:34 | BISHOPS | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11258634 | 2014-03-16 08:16:32 | BISHOPS | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11253163 | 2014-03-15 09:43:02 | BINSTIRL | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11252460 | 2014-03-15 07:52:44 | BHAT007 | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11242924 | 2014-03-13 17:54:31 | BABTWR | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11242918 | 2014-03-13 17:53:24 | BABTWR | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C | | 11242907 | 2014-03-13 17:51:36 | ARITH2 | AC | 0.11 | 2688 | C++ | | 11242879 | 2014-03-13 17:47:14 | STAMPS | AC | 0.16 | 2824 | C++ | | 11242871 | 2014-03-13 17:45:43 | BEADS | AC | 0.95 | 2696 | C++ | | 11217449 | 2014-03-09 20:43:21 | PERMUT1 | AC | 0.02 | 5584 | C | | 11217401 | 2014-03-09 20:34:46 | PERMUT1 | WA | 0.00 | 5584 | C | | 11216623 | 2014-03-09 17:36:25 | ACPC10A | AC | 0.00 | 1720 | C | | 11216586 | 2014-03-09 17:29:39 | ACPC10A | RE | 0.02 | 1676 | C | | 11215528 | 2014-03-09 14:38:54 | PRIME1 | TLE | -1.00 | 1680 | C | | 11215425 | 2014-03-09 14:16:58 | PRIME1 | TLE | -1.00 | 1680 | C | | 11215390 | 2014-03-09 14:10:41 | PRIME1 | TLE | -1.00 | 1680 | C | | 11215387 | 2014-03-09 14:10:25 | PRIME1 | CE | 0.00 | 0 | ADA | | 11215380 | 2014-03-09 14:08:40 | PRIME1 | CE | 0.00 | 0 | ADA | | 11215113 | 2014-03-09 13:15:43 | TEST | AC | 0.00 | 2252 | C | | 11215103 | 2014-03-09 13:13:50 | TEST | RE | 0.00 | 2252 | C | \------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ----- SIGNATURE ----- X22WuC5fLtp3xhpy1lJvXw8vb0lrOg2RqlQuE8W4Km81A8nPmfmBs4C5/9Q8iHLq0csEVh4pUOr/ +AVq792IpAZoYiIa1oirOyP5ftq8ChosifQ0vBSJbi4ZaRw7989FB+i45C1yRqoNEbYWEskTG/L3 7/+Znf1Ei46BX1vVJ1c= ----- END OF DATA ----- ******************************************************************************** Disclaimer: Document for internal use only. No liability shall be assumed. ********************************************************************************
Another serial solver : : path_finder
******************************************************************************** * Signed document issued by Sphere Online Judge ( ******************************************************************************** ----- BEGIN OF DATA ----- Submissions by [path_finder] in contest [SPOJ]. DoI: 2014-04-12 17:46:19. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | ID | DATE | PROBLEM | RESULT | TIME | MEM | LNG | |---------|---------------------|-----------|-----------|-------|--------|-----| | 11431654 | 2014-04-12 17:45:59 | KROW | ?? | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11431651 | 2014-04-12 17:45:08 | INCDSEQ | ?? | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11431647 | 2014-04-12 17:43:56 | IKEYB | AC | 1.88 | 2772 | C++ | | 11431640 | 2014-04-12 17:41:48 | HUBULLU | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431626 | 2014-04-12 17:38:14 | HPYNOS | AC | 0.05 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431615 | 2014-04-12 17:35:15 | GSS2 | AC | 15.88 | 18320 | C++ | | 11431608 | 2014-04-12 17:34:24 | HALLOW | AC | 1.75 | 3396 | C++ | | 11431603 | 2014-04-12 17:33:10 | GSS2 | WA | 0.00 | 18320 | C++ | | 11431595 | 2014-04-12 17:31:23 | GNY07H | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431589 | 2014-04-12 17:29:53 | GSS1 | AC | 1.72 | 4612 | C++ | | 11431584 | 2014-04-12 17:28:49 | GNY07H | WA | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431576 | 2014-04-12 17:27:27 | GCD2 | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431567 | 2014-04-12 17:26:00 | FUNAREA | AC | 6.49 | 30088 | C++ | | 11431558 | 2014-04-12 17:24:28 | FUNAREA | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11431554 | 2014-04-12 17:23:16 | FISHER | AC | 0.05 | 2824 | C++ | | 11431551 | 2014-04-12 17:22:37 | FINDSR | AC | 0.16 | 7624 | C++ | | 11431545 | 2014-04-12 17:21:47 | FCTRL | AC | 0.42 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431542 | 2014-04-12 17:21:04 | EIGHTS | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431538 | 2014-04-12 17:19:53 | EIGHTS | WA | 0.01 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431537 | 2014-04-12 17:19:47 | EIGHTS | WA | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431529 | 2014-04-12 17:17:50 | DSUBSEQ | AC | 0.13 | 3564 | C++ | | 11431522 | 2014-04-12 17:16:23 | DSUBSEQ | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11431516 | 2014-04-12 17:15:26 | DOTAA | AC | 0.14 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431512 | 2014-04-12 17:14:32 | DOCTOR | AC | 6.72 | 2708 | C++ | | 11431509 | 2014-04-12 17:13:59 | DOCTOR | WA | 6.73 | 2708 | C++ | | 11431506 | 2014-04-12 17:12:59 | DOCTOR | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11431503 | 2014-04-12 17:12:47 | DOCTOR | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11431497 | 2014-04-12 17:11:42 | DIVREL | AC | 0.04 | 2828 | C++ | | 11431487 | 2014-04-12 17:08:31 | DISJPATH | AC | 11.65 | 10648 | C++ | | 11431485 | 2014-04-12 17:07:33 | DISJPATH | WA | 0.17 | 10648 | C++ | | 11431484 | 2014-04-12 17:07:28 | DISJPATH | WA | 0.11 | 10648 | C++ | | 11431483 | 2014-04-12 17:07:20 | DISJPATH | WA | 0.06 | 10648 | C++ | | 11431479 | 2014-04-12 17:07:12 | DISJPATH | WA | 0.05 | 10648 | C++ | | 11431471 | 2014-04-12 17:06:08 | DCEPCA03 | AC | 0.01 | 2764 | C++ | | 11431467 | 2014-04-12 17:05:28 | DANGER | AC | 0.00 | 2824 | C++ | | 11431461 | 2014-04-12 17:04:34 | CPRMT | AC | 0.01 | 2820 | C++ | | 11431454 | 2014-04-12 17:03:42 | COCONUTS | AC | 0.47 | 3892 | C++ | | 11431448 | 2014-04-12 17:02:39 | CMPLS | AC | 0.36 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431436 | 2014-04-12 17:00:51 | CMPLS | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11431428 | 2014-04-12 16:59:00 | CLONE | AC | 4.31 | 3964 | C++ | | 11431417 | 2014-04-12 16:56:32 | CLONE | WA | 2.19 | 3964 | C++ | | 11431412 | 2014-04-12 16:56:05 | CLONE | TLE | -1.00 | 3964 | C++ | | 11431401 | 2014-04-12 16:54:11 | CHOCOLA | AC | 0.01 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431398 | 2014-04-12 16:53:59 | CHOCOLA | WA | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431395 | 2014-04-12 16:53:44 | CHOCOLA | WA | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431389 | 2014-04-12 16:52:27 | CHEESE | AC | 5.75 | 11048 | C++ | | 11431362 | 2014-04-12 16:48:15 | CERC07B | AC | 2.24 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431344 | 2014-04-12 16:45:29 | CHAIR | AC | 0.16 | 6648 | C++ | | 11431335 | 2014-04-12 16:44:20 | CERC07B | WA | 2.20 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431331 | 2014-04-12 16:43:32 | CCOST | AC | 6.53 | 53800 | C++ | | 11431325 | 2014-04-12 16:42:34 | CAPRICA | AC | 0.17 | 2856 | C++ | | 11431323 | 2014-04-12 16:42:22 | CAPRICA | WA | 0.16 | 2856 | C++ | | 11431322 | 2014-04-12 16:42:18 | CAPRICA | WA | 0.17 | 2856 | C++ | | 11431321 | 2014-04-12 16:42:14 | CAPRICA | WA | 0.16 | 2856 | C++ | | 11431319 | 2014-04-12 16:42:08 | CAPRICA | WA | 0.17 | 2856 | C++ | | 11431312 | 2014-04-12 16:41:13 | CANDY3 | AC | 0.05 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431303 | 2014-04-12 16:40:22 | CANDY | AC | 0.03 | 2820 | C++ | | 11431301 | 2014-04-12 16:39:49 | CANDY | TLE | -1.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431291 | 2014-04-12 16:38:24 | ARTHEVAL | AC | 0.01 | 2820 | C++ | | 11431275 | 2014-04-12 16:35:30 | C1LJUTNJ | AC | 0.84 | 3400 | C++ | | 11431273 | 2014-04-12 16:35:24 | C1LJUTNJ | AC | 0.93 | 3400 | C++ | | 11431265 | 2014-04-12 16:34:12 | ARTHEVAL | RE | 0.08 | 3388 | C++ | | 11431259 | 2014-04-12 16:33:03 | BUSYMAN | AC | 0.88 | 3396 | C++ | | 11431256 | 2014-04-12 16:32:42 | BUSYMAN | WA | 0.19 | 3396 | C++ | | 11431254 | 2014-04-12 16:32:32 | BUSYMAN | WA | 0.20 | 3392 | C++ | | 11431245 | 2014-04-12 16:31:00 | BLACKOUT | AC | 11.04 | 37888 | C++ | | 11431238 | 2014-04-12 16:29:52 | BLACKOUT | CE | 0.00 | 0 | C++ | | 11431231 | 2014-04-12 16:28:44 | BITMAP | AC | 0.40 | 2944 | C++ | | 11431224 | 2014-04-12 16:27:45 | BEENUMS | RE | 0.02 | 2940 | C++ | | 11431219 | 2014-04-12 16:26:57 | BEENUMS | AC | 1.56 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431216 | 2014-04-12 16:26:28 | BEENUMS | WA | 1.58 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431213 | 2014-04-12 16:26:19 | BEENUMS | WA | 1.56 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431209 | 2014-04-12 16:26:05 | BEENUMS | WA | 1.57 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431204 | 2014-04-12 16:25:03 | BABY | AC | 0.01 | 3680 | C++ | | 11431198 | 2014-04-12 16:23:56 | BABTWR | AC | 0.00 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431197 | 2014-04-12 16:23:08 | BABTWR | WA | 0.01 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431190 | 2014-04-12 16:22:19 | ASSIST | AC | 0.28 | 3348 | C++ | | 11431188 | 2014-04-12 16:22:07 | ASSIST | WA | 0.27 | 3348 | C++ | | 11431186 | 2014-04-12 16:22:01 | ASSIST | WA | 0.27 | 3348 | C++ | | 11431184 | 2014-04-12 16:21:56 | ASSIST | WA | 0.28 | 3348 | C++ | | 11431174 | 2014-04-12 16:20:21 | ARTHEVAL | WA | 0.01 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431162 | 2014-04-12 16:19:17 | AMOEBA | AC | 0.01 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431160 | 2014-04-12 16:19:08 | AMOEBA | WA | 0.02 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431159 | 2014-04-12 16:19:03 | AMOEBA | WA | 0.01 | 2688 | C++ | | 11431157 | 2014-04-12 16:18:41 | AMOEBA | CE | 0.00 | 0 | ADA | | 11430972 | 2014-04-12 15:48:48 | AIBOHP | AC | 2.64 | 2688 | C++ | | 11430968 | 2014-04-12 15:47:44 | AEROLITE | AC | 0.80 | 2848 | C++ | | 11430964 | 2014-04-12 15:47:12 | AEROLITE | WA | 0.79 | 2848 | C++ | | 11430962 | 2014-04-12 15:46:44 | AEROLITE | RE | 0.01 | 2848 | C++ | | 11430949 | 2014-04-12 15:45:23 | ADVNTURE | AC | 34.12 | 7372 | C++ | | 11430946 | 2014-04-12 15:44:54 | ADVNTURE | WA | 0.11 | 7372 | C++ | | 11430944 | 2014-04-12 15:44:35 | ADVNTURE | WA | 0.11 | 7372 | C++ | | 11430938 | 2014-04-12 15:43:27 | ADDREV | AC | 0.04 | 2688 | C++ | | 11430929 | 2014-04-12 15:41:57 | ACMAKER | AC | 0.01 | 3000 | C++ | | 11430926 | 2014-04-12 15:41:41 | ACMAKER | WA | 0.01 | 3000 | C++ | | 11430924 | 2014-04-12 15:41:31 | ACMAKER | WA | 0.01 | 3000 | C++ | \------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ----- SIGNATURE ----- FiYGQfGu3Zo9a9uj5QUtifpoMM+Y2rlpacM/zgt3I8OEBW630KkMiydafHiCzi+oJA0fKUYlRZaf TNufAe2cOcrXMq/EjyZ9WFwB0c1uelXSpRnoUZzTWOSVO9pYux4f/eYNfdq0Tp2EiM04+MmCCAs+ aEoUtOcOE+owDi1fzfA= ----- END OF DATA ----- ******************************************************************************** Disclaimer: Document for internal use only. No liability shall be assumed. ********************************************************************************