Hello Everyone,
I would like to invite you all to participate in the technical fest
"Threads" conducted by our university IIIT, Hyderabad. Here are the 3
events which you may find interesting -
1.Codecraft 09 : Codecraft is our Online ACM Style programming
contest. We hope to have an interesting and ( mostly ) original
problemset this time. Its scheduled on 15th February, 2009.
MathematiKa 09 : Mathematika is an online mathematical programming
contest which will have problems choosen from different domains of
mathematics ( specially number theory ) and you are allowed to use any
language to solve the problems. You would need to submit the answer of
the problems which would be an integer or a floating point number
Getting the solution would usually involve both mathematics and
programming skills.
Date: 13th February, 2009
Website: felicity.iiit.ac.in/~math/
Time Limit Exceeded 09:
'Time limit exceeded'(TLEd) is based upon solving problems under
special constraints. The problems don't require deep knowledge of
algorithms, but instead require unusual thinking and some clever
programming. The event is based on C/C++, and a good knowledge of
these languages will be useful. The scoring for a problems may depend
on code-length, running time or any other criteria specified in the
problem statements.
Date: 10th Feb - 13th Feb ( 3 day contest )
Website: felicity.iiit.ac.in/~tle/
Hope you will enjoy your time and have fun.
Team Felicity 09.