Hi everybody,
first of all, I want to send a big THANK YOU to the creators of this fantastic Online Judge! It's great.
Anyway, I'd like to submit some programs in Scheme. I use DrScheme from http://www.drscheme.org (speech-level: advanced student) and the test-example that is posted in this forum doesn't work in DrScheme. In DrScheme I need to write the test-program like this:
(define (do_it n)
((define (print_it n)
(display n)
[(= n 42) void]
(display n)
(do_it (read)))])))
(do_it (read))
When I submit this to the Online-Judge (SCM guile) I get an NZEC-Error.
Now my questions:
Is DrScheme compatible to this Online-Judge? (I hope the answer is yes
If the answer to 1. is no: Which program can I use instead of DrScheme?
If the answer to 1. is yes: My program always returns 'void' at the end - is that the reason for the error?
If the answer to 1. is yes: Which speech-level of DrScheme is supported by this Online-Judge?
If the answer to 1. is yes: Which interpreter(?) do I need to select when submitting: guile or qobi?
Any information about this would be very nice!
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