What are you doing, man? Your code is completely broken, full of really silly things.
To multiply two numbers with Python, just read them
[bbone=Python,68]a, b = map(int, raw_input().split())[/bbone]
and print the result:
[bbone=Python,69]print a*b[/bbone]
That's all and works for arbitrary large numbers.
But: What do you think is the reason that there is no AC Python solution for that problem until now?
And: What do you think is the reason that there are only a few AC solutions to tutorial variant TMUL with longer runtime?
To make it short: Multiplication in Python is by far fast enough. Reading the input and converting to int is not so fast, but fast enough.
Converting the result to str (which cannot be avoided - if you print an integer there is also an implicit conversion) for output is veeeery slow and the bottleneck of this problem. You have to do some optimizing on that to get a Python TMUL-solution AC and I'm quite sure that it will not be possible to get a (pure) Python solution AC for problem MUL.
Hint: Go through the Python tutorial and then try some other problems on SPOJ.