Want to take a crack at beating all those awesome "programmers" at their own game? Read on.
Frugal is a new event at Shaastra, the technical fest of IIT Madras that hopes to be different. It aims to test your ingenuity whilst not being dependant on various algorithms. If you know the basics of programming in C, then you just might have a good chance of winning Frugal. Frugal is a chance for you to prove that your programming skills are enough to put yourself right up there with the best.
Frugal is about minimizing code to maximize your score and win. The problem statements will require a fair bit of thinking and creativity to solve, but we'll make sure that that's all they will require. You won't be required to have super amounts of knowledge of algorithms.
To register and for more details, go to frugal.shaastra.org .