Hi Guys!
I have been practicing on SPOJ for a few months now and I’ve noticed that I struggle significantly with the more difficult problems. While I can solve many of the easier problems, I often find myself stuck on the medium to hard ones.
I would really appreciate any advice on how to improve my problem-solving skills, particularly for the more challenging problems on SPOJ. Specifically:
- What strategies do you use when approaching a difficult problem?
- How do you break down complex problems into manageable parts?
- Are there any particular resources or techniques that have helped you improve?
- How important is understanding algorithms and data structures for these problems, and which ones should I focus on?
I also check this : http://discuss.spoj.com/t/problem-list-sorted-by-difficultyqliksense But I have not found any solution.
Thanks in advance for your help! 
Respected community member
Peter flores