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Dec 2008
19 days later

Please note that Inscription has now been pre-poned on account of various clashes with other programming contests to 25th January 2008. The timings and other details remain the same. Registrations on the inscription judge website will be up shortly.

10 days later

Hi again

We're happy to announce that preparations for Inscription 2009 are nearly complete. You can now register your teams at http://inscription.nitk.ac.in

There are a series of local contests for students on our LAN which are in progress at the moment. You are free to register for those events as well. However, please note that prizes for our local contests are only for students within our LAN.

Inscription will be held on Jan 25th 2009 at 1430 IST. The event is sponsored by Google and a total proze money worth 1000 USD is at stake.

Hope to see you there. Please mail your queries to inscription@engineer.org.in or post them in this forum.


Edit: Please notice new url.

Hi again

The countdown has begun. Inscription will be held in four and a half days time (time and date in posts above). Also, unlike previous years, this year's Inscription has prizes for not just the top ranking teams overall, but also for the top-ranking Indian teams. The exact prize distribution will be up shortly. We hope to see you there

Team Inscription

Hi again

Incsription is now one day away. So,do hurry up and register. We now have registrations from over 25 countries, and have covered all the continents except Antarctica. A little spot of bad news.. Prizes are now at 1000 USD and hence will be distributed to only the top 5 teams. However, there is a pending sponsorship approval of another 200 USD. Should that be approved, the 200 USD will be added to the India prize pool. Hope to see you there!


Team Inscription

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