I'm doing the problem JAVAC (spoj.pl/problems/JAVAC/) and I wrote a code that compiles and works fine, on my computer, but when I submit it, I got a CE;
I have read the code a lot, and I still can't find the error; Could you help me?
PS: If you need me to traslate the ids name in order to make the code easier to read, please tell me
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
string Cpp(char* entrada, int indice, string nuevo)
bool Mayus = false;
while (indice < strlen(entrada)){
if (Mayus && (int)entrada[indice] >= 97 && (int)entrada[indice] <= 122)
nuevo += char((int)entrada[indice] - 32);
Mayus = false;
} else if (entrada[indice] == '_' && !Mayus)
Mayus = true;
} else if ((int)entrada[indice] >= 97 && (int)entrada[indice] <= 122 && !Mayus)
nuevo += entrada[indice];
} else
return "Error!";
if (Mayus)
return "Error!";
return nuevo;
string Java(char* entrada, int indice, string nuevo)
while (indice < strlen(entrada))
if ((int)entrada[indice] >= 62 && (int)entrada[indice] <= 90)
nuevo += '_';
nuevo += char((int)entrada[indice] + 32);
else if ((int)entrada[indice] >= 97 && (int)entrada[indice] <= 122)
nuevo += entrada[indice];
} else {
return "Error!";
return nuevo;
string iniciar_id(char* entrada)
int indice = 0;
bool fin = false;
string nuevo = "";
if (!((int)entrada[indice] >= 97 && (int)entrada[indice] <= 122))
return "Error!";
while (!fin)
if ((int)entrada[indice] >= 97 && (int)entrada[indice] <= 122)
nuevo += entrada[indice];
} else if (entrada[indice] == '_')
return Cpp(entrada, indice, nuevo);
} else {
return Java(entrada, indice, nuevo);
if (indice >= strlen(entrada))
fin = true;
return nuevo;
int main()
char* entrada = new char[255];
cin >> entrada;
cout << iniciar_id(entrada).c_str() << endl;
return 0;