Dear all,
I'm using Dynamic Programming to solve the 0-1 KNAPSACK problem ( with python. But I only got TLE. I've try several test data, and when weight = 2000, number of items = 1000, it costs nearly 20s on my computer.
So I'm wondering if there's a better solution to solve this or is there something wrong with my code.
def fastMaxVal(w, v, i, aW, m):
return m[(i, aW)]
except KeyError:
if i == 0:
if w[i] < aW:
m[(i, aW)] = v[i]
return v[i]
m[(i, aW)] = 0
return 0
without_i = fastMaxVal(w, v, i-1, aW, m)
if w[i] > aW:
m[(i, aW)] = without_i
return without_i
with_i = v[i] + fastMaxVal(w, v, i-1, aW-w[i], m)
res = max(with_i, without_i)
m[(i, aW)] = res
return res
str = input()
tmp = str.split()
capacity = int(tmp[0])
number = int(tmp[1])
weightArray = []
valueArray = []
m = {}
for i in range(number):
inputLine = input()
tmp = inputLine.split()
print(fastMaxVal(weightArray, valueArray, len(weightArray) - 1, capacity, m))
Thank you guys in advance!