for i in range(input()):
b,c=[long(x) for x in raw_input().split()]
print b*c
That's at least how I would do it.
The long b,c= line can be replaced by the more understandable
First line "for i in range(input()):" iterates over [0,n) where n is the first line of input as an integer: input() parses input (so it will give integer for input like {12}, string for {"Hello"}, tuple for {(1,2,3)}, so on...). range() should be familiar to you.
Second line "b,c=[long(x) for x in raw_input().split()]" is a list comprehension. It is a relatively new feature that is quite powerful, allowing complex statements to be expressed with a simple syntax. Basically, it means that for each item in raw_input().split(), it will get the value as a long and add that to an array.
.split() will split an input line across a whitespace boundary.
You can also use "map(long,raw_input().split())" for a shorter line, but note that map, filter and reduce are in the process of being deprecated (I really wish that they would keep reduce though
Third line should be pretty obvious: print the product b*c.