I cannot fail my code using my tests and it runs OK on Ideone.I notice that my Py 2.7 code uses only 3.9M does that mean that the judge is using 2.5or maybe there is something odd about the input data? I have made many submissions trying to catch the 2.7 version but no luck!Any thoughts please?
I resubmitted my former AC solution today and it still passed - so input data is okay.I did nothing special to handle the input, but maybe it's the way you detect the end of data.I stopped processing, when a is equal to 0 without checking b.
Hi NumerixThanks for the comments. I finally got AC, not with a brilliant time but at least I got there.The judge didn't like the way I converted an integer to a string:This failed for j in nI had to change it to for j in str(n)