Can anyone plz help me find why this solution throws nzec error when submitted. where it worked fine on my system
from Queue import *
def contSeq(mT, ht, bdt):
i = 0
j = 0
maxL = 0
while i < ht:
j = 0
while j < bdt:
if mT[i][j] == 'A':
q = Queue()
q.put([i, j, 1])
if maxL < 1:
maxL = 1
while not q.empty():
crd = q.get()
crtL = crd[2]
right = [crd[0], crd[1]+1] if crd[1]+1 < bdt else []
left = [crd[0], crd[1]-1] if crd[1] > 0 else []
top = [crd[0]-1, crd[1]] if crd[0] > 0 else []
bottom = [crd[0]+1, crd[1]] if crd[0]+1 < ht else []
topRight = [crd[0]-1, crd[1]+1] if crd[0] > 0 and crd[1]+1 < bdt else []
topLeft = [crd[0]-1, crd[1]-1] if crd[1] > 0 and crd[1] > 0 else []
bottomRight = [crd[0]+1, crd[1]+1] if crd[0]+1 < ht and crd[1]+1 < bdt else []
bottomLeft = [crd[0]+1, crd[1]-1] if crd[0]+1 < ht and crd[1] > 0 else []
if right:
prs = right
r = mT[prs[0]][prs[1]]
if (ord(r) - ord('A')) == crtL:
q.put([prs[0], prs[1], crtL+1])
if maxL < crtL+1:
maxL = crtL+1
if left:
prs = left
r = mT[prs[0]][prs[1]]
if (ord(r) - ord('A')) == crtL:
q.put([prs[0], prs[1], crtL+1])
if maxL < crtL+1:
maxL = crtL+1
if top:
prs = top
r = mT[prs[0]][prs[1]]
if (ord(r) - ord('A')) == crtL:
q.put([prs[0], prs[1], crtL+1])
if maxL < crtL+1:
maxL = crtL+1
if bottom:
prs = bottom
r = mT[prs[0]][prs[1]]
if (ord(r) - ord('A')) == crtL:
q.put([prs[0], prs[1], crtL+1])
if maxL < crtL+1:
maxL = crtL+1
if topLeft:
prs = topLeft
r = mT[prs[0]][prs[1]]
if (ord(r) - ord('A')) == crtL:
q.put([prs[0], prs[1], crtL+1])
if maxL < crtL+1:
maxL = crtL+1
if topRight:
prs = topRight
r = mT[prs[0]][prs[1]]
if (ord(r) - ord('A')) == crtL:
q.put([prs[0], prs[1], crtL+1])
if maxL < crtL+1:
maxL = crtL+1
if bottomLeft:
prs = bottomLeft
r = mT[prs[0]][prs[1]]
if (ord(r) - ord('A')) == crtL:
q.put([prs[0], prs[1], crtL+1])
if maxL < crtL+1:
maxL = crtL+1
if bottomRight:
prs = bottomRight
r = mT[prs[0]][prs[1]]
if (ord(r) - ord('A')) == crtL:
q.put([prs[0], prs[1], crtL+1])
if maxL < crtL+1:
maxL = crtL+1
j +=1
i += 1
return maxL
hb = map(int, raw_input().strip().split(' '))
j = 1
while hb[0] > 0 and hb[1] > 0:
h = hb[0]
b = hb[1]
i = 0
mT = []
while i < h:
i += 1
print 'Case', str(j)+':', contSeq(mT, h, b)
hb = map(int, raw_input().strip().split(' '))
j += 1
Thanks in advance!!