thanks francky, got acc.
some one pls help,please give some hints on how to remove NZEC
your code is not indented correctly brother. run it in ideone.
your code gives indentation error in ideone.
u can check the code given in ideone link as Sir,I don't know what is wrong when ipaste the same code from ideone.Link is given in my previous post.Or help me to indent it properly.
don't know why, but the problem appears to be located in this line:
Hint: you don't need 'Decimal' to calculate correct answers...
the only difference I can find between your code given above and the modification I tested yesterday (getting ACC) is the output using the round function.
in my code I used
print '%.5f' % x
I'd wrote in the comments of the problem, that
round(.., 5)
will get WA.
is a correct way
ok removed,but I tried reading but can't able to reduce the length from this.can you pm me some ideas.
Please remove your code, and make some experiments, you can read a python tutorial in order to have new ideas.