I opened this off-topic subject because the discussion between Critical Thinking and myself in the comment section is getting out of hand.
My original comment was, as far as I remember:
This comment was almost immediately deleted by him (I assume he is male) and led to a chain of misunderstandings about what I meant, about my personality and what I supposedly think about him. I don't want to go into these latter subjects, but let me try to explain what I mean in my original comment.
The first part is about the fact that the problem is classified as 'partial' and not as 'classical'. I'm relatively new to SPOJ and was unfamiliar with the official terminology, otherwise I would have used these terms. IMO a problem can only classify as partial if it is of a certain degree of complexity, either in algorithmic sense or by run time, such that even sub-optimal solutions deserve a score. I don't think this problem qualifies.
I want to leave this subject. Please admins, feel free to delete this posting if you think it's misplaced.
The second part was a personal remark. I admit that it was misplaced. I became more and more annoyed about the poor quality of the problems he added, the many changes to test data and the duplicate problems. I should have used an other means to tell him that.