While trying to CMEXPR (#10), I have code #1, which finished in just under 10 seconds and was accepted. But, it is ugly, and surely more efficient implementations of my approach exist. Then I have code #2, which is code #1 improved, but it doesn't offer any performance boost.
The problem is that in the second example I tried doing optimizations, which involved (mostly) creating a hash rule-table (instead of checking the parentheses' environment over and over again...). I expected it to run faster, but it didn't. But, shouldn't the hash table approach be faster, since less computations are involved? Is the hash(some_tuple)-into-a-dictionary technique worth it?
Code #1
import psyco
def getOpProperty(exp, i1, i2):
property = 'n' # for "No property"
prnths = 0
while i1 < i2:
# Ugly loop
t = exp[i1]
if t in OPERATIONS and not prnths:
if t == '-':
return '-'
elif t == '+':
property = '+'
elif property == 'n':
property = '*'
elif t == '(':
prnths += 1
elif t == ')':
prnths -= 1
i1 += 1
return property
def cleanParentheses(exp):
open_prnths = [] # The stack of open parentheses' indices
i = 0
exp_len = len(exp)
while i < exp_len:
token = exp[i]
if token == '(':
elif token == ')':
# Now the interesting stuff begins
prnths_start = open_prnths.pop()
# Set the pre and post parentheses operations
# 'n' marks a "not defined" operation, i.e., no operation at all
left_op = exp[prnths_start - 1]
except IndexError:
left_op = 'n'
right_op = exp[i+1]
except IndexError:
right_op = 'n'
# Get the internal property
inside = getOpProperty(exp, prnths_start+1, i)
# Start the checking
if inside == 'n' or \
((inside == '*' and left_op != '/') or \
((left_op != '*' and left_op != '-' and left_op != '/') and \
(right_op != '*' and right_op != '/'))):
# A horrible, ugly rule set
del exp[i]
del exp[prnths_start]
exp_len -= 2
i -= 2
i += 1
return exp
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in xrange(int(raw_input())):
print "".join(cleanParentheses(list(raw_input())))
Code #2
import psyco
RULES = {}
# Compute the rules - a hash rule table, basically
for c1 in "(+-*/":
for c2 in "n*+-":
for c3 in ")+-*/":
hash_value = hash((c1, c2, c3))
if c2 == 'n' or \
((c2 == '*' and c1 != '/') or \
((c1 != '*' and c1 != '-' and c1 != '/') and \
(c3 != '*' and c3 != '/'))):
RULES[hash_value] = True
RULES[hash_value] = False
def getOpProperty(exp, i1, i2):
prop_add = prop_mul = False
prnths = 0
while i1 < i2:
# Go through the section, checking its operations
t = exp[i1]
if t == '(':
# Run fast over this section until we get to its end
prnths += 1
while prnths:
i1 += 1
t = exp[i1]
if t == '(':
prnths += 1
elif t == ')':
prnths -= 1
elif t in OPERATIONS:
# What kind of operation is it?
if t == '-':
return '-'
elif t == '+':
prop_add = True
prop_mul = True
i1 += 1
if prop_add:
return '+'
elif prop_mul:
return '*'
return 'n'
def cleanParentheses(exp):
open_prnths = [] # A stack of the indices of the open parentheses
i = 1 # We add one due to padding
exp_len = len(exp) + 1 # We add one due to padding
# Pad the exp with '+'s (neutral operations) so we'll be guaranteed that
# every parentheses will not give an IndexError on left_op and right_op
# retrieval
pop = open_prnths.pop
while i < exp_len:
token = exp[i]
if token == '(':
elif token == ')':
# Now the interesting stuff begins
prnths_start = pop()
if RULES[hash((exp[prnths_start - 1],
getOpProperty(exp, prnths_start+1, i),
# Delete the parentheses
del exp[i]
del exp[prnths_start]
exp_len -= 2
i -= 2
i += 1
# Strip the padding before returning
del exp[exp_len]
del exp[0]
return exp
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in xrange(int(raw_input())):
print "".join(cleanParentheses(list(raw_input())))