How to generates primes with PYTH 2.7 in 0.00 sec?
There are 144 people that done with PYTH 2.7 in 0.00 sec,start=140
I used many tricks to reduce my execution time, likes:
replacing IO with sys.stdin and sys.stdout (reduce times of clearing IO buffer),
sieve of Eratosthenes,
replacing loops of accessing list with map(), filter(), [... for ... in ... ], list slices, if it's possible to work,
At last, my best time is 0.03 sec. I don't know that how to improve my execution time to 0.00 sec with PYTH 2.7.
By the way, with other compilers of Python, numerix and Francky have the best time, but it's not with PYTH 2.7.
Is something special with PYTH 2.7?