"prog.cpp:10: error: 'strrev' was not declared in this scope"
strrev doesn't exist.
"prog.cpp:11: error: cannot convert 'std::string' to 'const char*' for argument '1' to 'int strcmp(const char*, const char*)'"
char* and string are different. If you want to compare string just use ==.
"prog.cpp:12: error: no 'operator++(int)' declared for postfix '++', trying prefix operator instead
prog.cpp:12: error: no match for 'operator++' in '++num'"
You can't use ++ on a string.
"prog.cpp:22: error: no match for 'operator<' in 'i < t'"
You have t defined as a string and i as an unsigned integer. These do not have a valid comparison function for <.