I'm having a hard time shortening even more my C source codes for SHORTEN problems. Does anyone know if there any pre #defines on the compiler (such as #define p printf)? Any smaller alternatives for printf/scanf? Tks.
It depends on problems, sometimes gets/puts works. If you are 3-5 bytes short of best answer that means you need to improve your input/output/loop statements. If you are 10-15 bytes short then you need a new shorter approach.
And for chars: getchar and read.
Despite the fact that scanf/printf may be rarely replaced by other function, You can still shorten them. There are some tricks with scanf/printf which enable users to shorten their codes for a few chars.
Thank you vipul/kokosek. I feel that I just need that click. At least I know that there is still hope...
I also faced the same,C is not really a shortening language as compared to pyth, ruby or anything else, but what challenging and fun is to keep exploring C Anyways, which task are you trying so hard ?