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Jul 2013

Have you ever try to edit you submittion , then resubmit it ..... And ...Oh know ... submit to another problem imp
This bug is the most annoying !
when is it happened?
when you open the rank list , and click on edit ... [only]
not happened when click edit from status ,only from rank list ,
then the link you've been redirected to snips the problem code to e.g : // instead of /TEST/
Please fix this bug because of many things stuck_out_tongue
Thank you

1 year later

I totally agree.
I can report it but I'd have to be able to reproduce it and I never was.
Perhaps you are? I wasn't able to understand your steps. Can you write step by step (click this, click that) algorithm?

I confirm it's the most annoying bug.

To reproduce it :
Visit a problem page say PB_A.
Then visit a rank list of PB_B from status page without entering the description, find your code in the list, edit it,
if you submit it you will have WA or NZEC as you've submit for PB_A instead PB_B.
It is the most annoying bug for me too.

4 months later
2 months later

Cool, good job!
I'm moving this thread to the archive then.

10 days later

closed Aug 28, '15

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