Here is my code for the problem
def mul(l, m, mod):
a, b, c, d = l; p,q,r,s = m;
return [(a*p + b*r)%mod, (a*q + b*s)%mod, (c*p + d*r)%mod, (c*q + d*s)%mod]
def rem(a, b, n, mod):
temp = [a, b, 0, 1]
ans = [1, 0, 0, 1]
for char in n:
if char == '1':
ans = mul(ans, temp, mod)
temp = mul(temp, temp, mod)
return ans
n = input()
for i in xrange(n):
a, b, n, m = [int(x) for x in raw_input().split()]
if a == 1:
print (1+n*b)%m
n = bin(n)[2:][::-1]
a = a %m; b = b %m
#print a, b
ans = rem(a, b, n, m)
print (ans[0] + ans[1]) % m
The simple code above gives correct output.. but gives TLE obviously ...(20K test cases take 13 sec on my comp)
Any suggestions/hints for improving the algo/the program itself.
Thanks in advance...