Although the leaague contests are good, but you guys don't arrange 5:00 hrs contest like I was wondering, are you planning to hold such contests.
We certainly do intend to hold them, but a lot depends on who has the time and resources to act as the problemsetter . I guess we (i.e. admins doubling as problemsetters ) can manage a quarterly public contest from fairly original problems that didn't appear elsewhere. More frequent contests originating from here would really have to mean a part or even full-time job for someone .
So, our idea behind SPOJ when we started creating it was that the platform should be developed by us, while the problems - created by spoj users for other spoj users. Similiarly, if some of our users were willing to organise a contest once in a while, there would certainly be a dramatic increase in the number of contests to take part in . Anyway, the web browser interface for organising contests will be available shortly, and only time will show how popular it gets.
Well it appears even this was too optimistic Maybe there would be a sponsor to give us incentive to organise such contests.
1)tak2)tak ;]
Jedyne co mi przychodzi na myśl to by sprawdzić wielkość tablic czy dobrze zrobiłeś. Jakby ci nie wchodzilo to wyslij mi kod i może coś znajde .