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BYTESE2 - The Great Ball
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https://www.spoj.com/problems/NGM2/ : code passes up to the 20th test then wrong answer
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About the problem SP13 Hotline
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SIGSEGV in PRIME1 Despite Using Segmented Sieve
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Runtime error(sigabrt) in capcity - capital city
SPOJ.com - Problem PRIME1
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Runtime error (SIGSEGV) in Prime Generator problem
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SPOJ.com - Problem JNEXT
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D (gdc 8.3) is broken?
Can anyone help me with Below code for the problem: https://www.spoj.com/problems/PFACT/ . It is giving TLE
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A Needle in the Haystack
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Tle permut3
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Help required for this bit manipulation problem
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Help needed! (Code Review for MPOW)
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Mógł by ktoś doradzic jak zmniejszyć czas programy
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General Theory Doubt
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I hvae wrong answer in TRYCOMP - Try to complete and cant get my mistake
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Wrong answer in QTREE2
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INVCNT - Inversion Count
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Dijkstra algorithm getting wrong answer even if code is correct
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Runtime error on my first SPOJ task
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Problem: Princess Fardia NZEC error
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Probably wrong tests to one task on codeforces
Edit Distance
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A Bug's Life NZEC
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CANDY 3 runtime error NZEC
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